Your Ultimate 4 Week Anti-inflammatory Healing Program

My anti-inflammatory program helps remove the confussion, isolation and worry throughout your healing journey.
I'm here to educate, guide and support you every step of the way, so you get results fast and don't miss out on life.
Working with me is like having your own personal healing tour-guide!
Andrea Richardson
Healing Consultant and Author
It's ideal for........
Whilst medication and surgury have their place, most people are offered these options without investigating the root cuase of their symptoms. Medical interventions come with significant risk and often cause other more serious side effects.
Living with symptoms of chronic disease and inflammation is no fun at all. I know, I've been there. The endless doctor’s appointments, medication, overwhelming fatigue and countless symptoms creates fear, depression and anxiety for the future.
It’s no way to live, but the good news is we don’t have to.
There's a lot involved in reversing chronic disease naturally, and while it's simple, it's not always easy.
My goal is to remove the guesswork and help you avoid common mistakes people make when on this journey. Healing should be simple, practical and rewarding.
All you need to start the program is an open mind, desire to get well and willingness to change your diet and lifestyle.
We are often told diet and lifestyle has nothing to do with our health condition, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
By changing the way we think, eat and live, healing happens organically. Natural solutions are all around us if we just open our eyes and learn.
We can very often avoid unnecessary medication and interventions when we embrace natures principles and foundations of health. Our bodies are very clever! It heals when it's given what is needed.
Symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, food intolerances are not normal and are a sign that the body is out of balance. When we start to address what we eat, how we digest food, eliminate waste and correct our gut bacteria, we can start to improve our health and immune system naturally.
70-80% of our immune system is in the gut, so it stands to reason we need to address this important area of the body to promote optimal health.
Don't have time to waste or have hours to spent in the kitchen?
I’ve designed this 4-week, step-by-step program to save you time and accelerate your learning, so you can start seeing results faster.
Natural healing can be confusing and time consuming if you try and do it yourself (I know, because I've been there). I wanted to create a program that removes the guesswork, stress and mental fatigue, so you can just get on with healing. There's no need for you to start from square one, because I've already done the hard work and research for you.
The program contains:
There's a lot involved in reversing chronic disease naturally, and while it's simple, it's not always easy.
My goal is to remove the guesswork and help you avoid common mistakes people make when on this journey. Healing should be simple, practical and rewarding.
All you need to start the program is an open mind, desire to get well and willingness to change your diet and lifestyle. I can help you with the rest!

It's ideal for........
Whilst medication and surgury have their place, most people are offered these options without investigating the root cuase of their symptoms. Medical interventions come with significant risk and often cause other more serious side effects.
Living with symptoms of chronic disease and inflammation is no fun at all. I know, I've been there. The endless doctor’s appointments, medication, overwhelming fatigue and countless symptoms creates fear, depression and anxiety for the future.
It’s no way to live, but the good news is we don’t have to.
There's a lot involved in reversing chronic disease naturally, and while it's simple, it's not always easy.
My goal is to remove the guesswork and help you avoid common mistakes people make when on this journey. Healing should be simple, practical and rewarding.
All you need to start the program is an open mind, desire to get well and willingness to change your diet and lifestyle.
We are often told diet and lifestyle has nothing to do with our health condition, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
By changing the way we think, eat and live, healing happens organically. Natural solutions are all around us if we just open our eyes and learn.
We can very often avoid unnecessary medication and interventions when we embrace natures principles and foundations of health. Our bodies are very clever! It heals when it's given what is needed.
Symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, food intolerances are not normal and are a sign that the body is out of balance. When we start to address what we eat, how we digest food, eliminate waste and correct our gut bacteria, we can start to improve our health and immune system naturally.
70-80% of our immune system is in the gut, so it stands to reason we need to address this important area of the body to promote optimal health.
Don't have time to waste or have hours to spent in the kitchen?
I’ve designed this 4-week, step-by-step program to save you time and accelerate your learning, so you can start seeing results faster.
Natural healing can be confusing and time consuming if you try and do it yourself (I know, because I've been there). I wanted to create a program that removes the guesswork, stress and mental fatigue, so you can just get on with healing. There's no need for you to start from square one, because I've already done the hard work and research for you.
The program contains:
There's a lot involved in reversing chronic disease naturally, and while it's simple, it's not always easy.
My goal is to remove the guesswork and help you avoid common mistakes people make when on this journey. Healing should be simple, practical and rewarding.
All you need to start the program is an open mind, desire to get well and willingness to change your diet and lifestyle. I can help you with the rest!
About the Healing Program
Natural healing is possible when you eliminate harmful foods, thoughts and habits and replace them with 8 specific foundations of health taught in the program.
By correcting the root causes of inflammation and disease, which are toxicity and deficiency, the body intuitively and effortlessly knows how to heal! You'll learn learn to trust your body again.
Education and support are two of the biggest factors of successful healing, so I’ve created a program that gives you both! This method is rooted in science and I have referenced over 160 studies and articles that supports this proven method of healing.
I’ve done the hard brain work for you, so all you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions and checklists. It’s healing made simple. And when combined with 1 on 1 coaching, your journey becomes that much easier, you’ll feel relaxed and in control of your health and wellbeing.
The lessons are designed to be completed over 4 weeks, so you have time to implement the strategies gradually, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
You will be given:
About the healing program
Natural healing is possible when you eliminate harmful foods, thoughts and habits and replace them with 8 specific foundations of health taught in the program.
By correcting the root causes of inflammation and disease, which are toxicity and deficiency, the body intuitively and effortlessly knows how to heal! You'll learn to trust your body again.
Education and support are two of the biggest factors of successful healing, so I’ve created a program that gives you both! This method is rooted in science and I have referenced over 160 studies and articles that supports this proven method of healing.
I’ve done the hard brain work for you, so all you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions and checklists. It’s healing made simple. And when combined with 1 on 1 coaching, your journey becomes that much easier, you’ll feel relaxed and in control of your health and wellbeing.
The lessons are designed to be completed over 4 weeks, so you have time to implement the strategies gradually, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
You will be given:
Pricing Plan
Full access to the program, to be completed at your own pace
Access to program with personalised online coaching and support.
for 6 Months
The cost of Doing Nothing
My Clients
Changing Lives
"Cooling Habits changed our lives. Both my husband and I suffer from auto-immune disease, with gaining information on how to use our bodies to fight these issues was such a blessing. Being able to recognise signs of inflammation and knowing how to minimise these effects is something I can never thank Andrea enough for."
Tania Newitt

Reverse Inflammation and Tolerate more Foods
"Andrea's program has been life changing for me. It has enabled me to reverse my inflammation and tolerate foods that I never could before. Highly recommended."
Denise Brew

Reduced Pain and Increased Energy
"Changing my lifestyle and what I ate drastically reduced my pain and gave me more energy. I can now pin point it to what I have eaten or stress, but I now have the tools to stop a flare up. It use to take weeks to recover from one, now it's less then a day. I wish I did the program before I had my surgeries. Thank you Cooling Habits for changing my life for the better!"
Hasina sargeant

Your tour-guide for natural healing!
Diet Phases of the Program
Cooling Phase
Elimination Phase
Rebuilding Phase
Cleanse Phase
Re-introduction Phase

Why choose the Cooling Habits Healing Program?
There's literally 1000's of healing programs out there, I know because, I've studied and tried countless ones tying to find the answers.
So, why choose mine I hear you ask?
One of the strengths of this program is that it is flexible and can be implemented at a pace that suits yourself.
The elimination diet consists of 5 phases and 10 levels and you have total control over how you implement it, so it fits in with your lifestyle.
For faster results, you can choose to jump in and implement all the strategies at once, or you can take it slower and introduce changes more gradually.
There is a lot of advice out there and it can be confusing and overwhelming knowing what to try. I know, I’ve been there! So, I set out to create a simple program that is uncomplicated and practical to help make healing a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
- No guesswork
- Easy to understand
- Simple to follow
- Clear instructions
- Less stress
We are all unique, so it’s important to tailor a healing program that caters for you as an individual.
You can access as much support as you need from 1 on 1 coaching, my online forum or email support. You'll never feel alone or overwhelmed again.
I'm here for you throughout your entire journey to make sure you get the best results in less time.
Help when you need it
Natural healing can be confusing and complicated, but it doesn't need to be!
With the right knowledge and support, healing becomes simple, practical and enjoyable.
I know what it's like to suffer and live with worry, fear and depression because of chronic disease. The endless appointments, symptoms, fatigue, medication and side effects. It's like serving a life sentence for a crime you didn't commit.
After ALOT of study and experimentation, I finally cracked the code to health. I was able to reverse a painful auto-immune disease, get off the medication and get my energy and life back. I now help others do the same, with my simple 4 week anti-inflammatory program.
Don't be like me!
I wish I had this information when I was first diagnosed, because I could have taken years off my recovery and avoided a lot of needless suffering. Don't be like me and waste time trying to figure it all out by yourself, I've done the hard work and research, so you don't have to make all the same mistakes I did.
Reversing the debilitating auto-immune disease rheumatoid arthritis, raynauds, depression, brainfog and fatigue, was one of the most rewarding experiences. Now I can enjoy all that life offers, without pain and fear for my future.
Andrea Richardson
Cooling Habits Healing Program | Healing Consultant
How Will YOUR Life Change!
"Good health is obtained when you combine knowledge, desire, persistence and support. Healing does not need to be complicated, it should be simple, practical and enjoyable"
Andrea Ricahardson
Andrea Richardson | Healing Consultant
Reduce Pain and Inflammation
Living with chronic pain and symptoms is not fun. My book will give you strategies and techniques to heal your body.
Reverse Disease /Autoimmunity
Reversing the negative symptoms of chronic disease and autoimmunity is achievable by adopting a specific diet and lifestyle.
Reduce Medications
Once healing has begun, medications can usually be reduced with the assistance of your doctor.
Restore Energy
By using specific foods and supplements, energy quickly returns so you can start living life with vitality again.
Restore Immune System
80% of your immune system is in your gut, so it stands to reason, if you look after your gut it will look after you.
Overcome Food Intolerance
Food intolerance is rampant in our society, you'll learn how to identify which ones to avoid and when to reintroduce them.
Heal Leaky Gut
The number one cause of auto-immune disease is leaky gut. My program focuses on restoring gut health.
Eliminate Digestive Discomfort
Digestive discomfort is common, but it can be easily managed and fixed with the foods we consume.
Balance Hormones
Using unique strategies, my program helps regulates hormones and establishes a healthier normal.
Lose Weight
Weight lose is not a goal of this program, but more of a by-product...I guess that's what eating good food does for you!
Restore Mental Clarity
Brain fog is real, and it can be frustrating and debilitating. My program clears the toxins out of your body and gets your brain firing.
Take Back Your Life
Remember life before fatigue and debilitating symptoms? It is possible to get your life back. Let me help you!
It's the difference between struggling daily or living an active and full life.
Frequently asked questions
Along with a strong desire to get well, you'll need a couple of special items.
- Juicer (to learn more about how to choose one, click here)
- Water filter
- Rice cooker
The elimination diet consists of a low allergen, wholefood, plant-based menu. Most items are easy to source from your local supermarket.
You maybe saying to yourself "Sounds like a lot of work and effort. Who has the time?"
If that is you, then maybe my program isn't the right option for you at this time. This program is simple, but it takes effort and persistence to get the results you deserve.
However, I guarantee that if you stick with the program and use the resources available to you, healing will be in your future!
So, jump on board if you are suffering with chronic disease, auto-immunity and want to reduce medication (with the help of your doctor) and get natural relief from:
How long it takes to heal depends on many things like:
- How long you’ve been unwell
- Severity of deficiencies
- Toxic load
- How damaged your body is
- What medication your taking
- Mindset and attitude towards healing
Most people start to feel the benefits of the program in the first week, with increased energy and less pain & inflammation and better sleep.
It's much like trying to lose weight, you can't expect to exercise and eat well for one week and reach your ideal weight. But with time and commitment, you'll be rewarded with better health!
The Cooling Habits Anti-inflammatory Program utilises a specific elimination style diet, that helps you to identify and eliminate problem foods.
Easy to digest and tolerate meals, will allow your body to rest and restore. We aim to flood your body with nutrients that it needs for healing and energy, because without the right building blocks you won’t get very far. The diet is:
- High nutrient
- Low allergen
- Low Fat
- Plant based (not vegetarian/vegan)
- Whole Food
Many foods like wheat, dairy, sugar and meat are restricted at the beginning, and the ultimate goal is to reintroduce all foods back into the diet, as the body heals.
This is not a vegan program, but it can be modified to be one if needed. However, results can be slower and less predictable.
Whilst organic is best, it's not often unaffordable or accessible, so instead I suggest washing your fruits and vegetables well.
There are massive benefits to be gained by increasing your fruit and vegetable intake even if it's not organic.
To reap the full benefits of the program, I recommend avoiding coffee and alcohol in the early phases. Caffeine and alcohol are not healing and can be introduced later in the program.
Detoxing off coffee can be quite unpleasant and you'll want to get this out of the way before you begin the program. I suggest abstaining from it 3-5 days before starting.
To help, you may like to wean off slowly by substituting with green tea, which contains lower levels of caffeine.
The program is designed to be learnt over 4 weeks, so you have time to absorb and apply the knowledge slowly and methodically. I designed it to be as simple and stress free as possible.
After the initial 4 week leaning period, you will continue moving through the 5 phases and 10 levels at your own pace. How fast you move through will depend on how deficient, damaged and toxic your body is and how well you apply adopt the new habits and diet.
Better Habits = Better health!

Are You Ready to Restore your Health Naturally?
"This program helps to heal the body and reverse the debilitating progression of inflammation and chronic disease."
Within the program you are given a clear 10 level program, which caters for various severity levels of disease. The program is flexible and changes with you as your body heals and your needs change.
You will not only learn how to manage your own diet, based on the principles and knowledge contained in these pages, but you will become empowered knowing that you have control over any disease.
Healing Naturally helps you to bypass the mistakes along your healing journey and take advantage of my years of research and experience to discover what works and what does not.
In these pages you'll discover:
Bonus Cookbook:
When you invest in my healing program, you will also get free a copy of the colourful e-book, “Cooking for Health” worth $19.
It’s filled with recipes for all 10 levels in the program and helps give you ideas to make choosing meals simple and stress free.
Pricing Plan
Full access to the program, to be completed at your own pace
Access to program with personalised online coaching and support.
for 6 Months
A program grounded in science

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine (470BC), rejected the belief of the time, that disease was the result of punishment of the gods. He believed that disease was caused by diet, environment and living habits and that the body was able to heal itself when supported correctly.
He was quoted to say, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. And it's terrific that we are once again rediscovering this ancient wisdom, and even more excitingly, is that it’s being backed by modern research!
In fact, this research is lying around in plain sight.
It’s true, wholefood, low allergen, plant-based diets heal! This is because they contain fewer artificial ingredients, less allergens and are packed full of nutrients for healing.
While is seems simple, even “healthy” plants foods can aggravate symptoms and can cause inflammation and disease. For example, it would be very bad for someone with fructose intolerance to include apples in their diet.
So, the first step is to identify the correct low allergen diet for the individual, as it differs from person to person. This can be tricky, but my program can help make sense of this, and remove the guesswork and stress.
This program provides natural solutions to accelerate healing, through proven diet and lifestyle strategies. Its healing made simple!
Take back control of your health naturally
A simple anti-inflammatory program to help you heal your body, reverse chronic disease, restore your energy, eliminate pain and medical interventions.
8 Foundations of health
A wholistic approach to healing in the modern world
Eating the right foods is essential for healing. But, diet is probably the most complicated health topic because of the large amount of conflicting advice and recommendation. A healing diet needs to be modified to suit the individual and not the other way around. Within this program you are given a clear 10 level food introduction list, which caters for various severity levels of disease. The program is flexible and changes with you as your body heals and your needs change.
Exercise improves the way our whole body functions and it is an important foundation of health. We are designed to move and we should choose something that suits our needs and abilities. It not only benefits our body, but is also fantasic at improving mood and easing anxiety and depression. By making time to exercise, you are prioritising your health and wellbeing.
Without sufficient rest out bodies can't restore. Sleep is often the most undervalued foundation of health in our busy, hectic lives. There are many things that can lead to poor sleep and it's important to address anything that cause interruptions.
Stress is hard to avoid in our fast paced, modern lifestyles. Learning to manage emotional, environmental and physical stress is a key foundation of health. There are various ways to manage things that cause stress and it's important to implement strategies into our daily lives to reduce its negative impact. You are given lots of ideas how to do this in the program.
Vitamin D is produced when sunshine hits our skin and is essential for our immune and hormone function. Optimal health depends on adequate levels of this vitamin, with low levels being linked to countless health problems like MS, RA, type 1 diabetes, breast cancer, upper respiratory tract infections, osteoporosis and musculoskeletal pain. A blood test should be taken to check the levels, especially if you have an auto-immune disease.
There are lots of things we need to consider when obtaining our vitamin D from the sun, this is covered at depth in the program.
Negative thinking and making excuses, are the top two things that stop us achieving our healing goals. Having the right attitude is essential for success. A successful mind frame is one that is:
Toxins and pathogens can create inflammation, disease, hormonal imbalance, liver damage, fatigue, mood swings and a plethora of symptoms. They can enter our bodies via the skin, lungs and digestive tract, so it's important to be aware of where we get exposed to them and how we can remove them from our bodies. Specific foods can be eaten to help slowly and safely remove unwanted pathogens and toxins, which is covered in the program.
Healing requires time, motivation and energy and it's beneficial to get support from others to help us succeed. Look for supportive people who can instil confidence in you, create hope and encourage you to have faith. Having people around you to celebrate your successes and offer solutions to problems can mean the difference success and failure. The Cooling Habits Anti-Inflammatory Program offers varying levels of support to suit individual needs like, email, forum access and 1on1 consultations.
Pricing Plan
Full access to the program, to be completed at your own pace
Access to program with personalised online coaching and support.
for 6 Months

Have Questions? Comments? Concerns?
I don't bite! (unlike
everything else in
So, drop me a line, I'm always happy to chat.
Want to learn more?